Oak and Myrtle Water Main Replacement Project

The Work to be done under this Contract includes: excavation, traffic control, installing new waterline, installing hot taps, installing new water services and meters, installing new fire hydrant assemblies, asphalt saw cutting, trench patching, and additional and incidental work as called for by the Specification and Plans.


Bidding Closed

Bid Date 2/6/25 2:00pm

Company & Contacts

City of Scappoose
Charlotte Baker  




Proposals Due: 2:00 PM on February 6, 2025


The City of Scappoose invites firms qualified and interested in providing construction services for the Oak and Myrtle Water Main Replacement Project to the City of Scappoose to submit bids in response to this ITB.

The Work to be done under this Contract includes: excavation, traffic control, installing new waterline, installing hot taps, installing new water services and meters, installing new fire hydrant assemblies, asphalt saw cutting, trench patching, and additional and incidental work as called for by the Specification and Plans.

Bids must be received by 2 PM on February 6, 2025. To download a free copy of the bid package, inclusive of scope of work and contract documents, please visit the City’s website at: www.scappoose.gov/rfps. Plans can be found at the City’s digital planroom at http://www.wpbplanroom.com/projects/public.

Direct questions to: Charlotte Baker, Contract Administrator at cbaker@scappoose.gov

Owner Reservations

Changes to the Scope of Work or contract documents, whether in response to requests for clarification, or change, or to issue supplemental instructions, may only be made by written addenda. The City will post notice of any addenda to the City’s website at www.scappoose.gov/rfps. It is the responsibility of bidders to check the website prior to submitting a bid. All addenda so issued shall become part of this request. No other oral or written statements to proposers shall be binding on the City unless reduced to written addenda.

Bidders shall comply with all applicable public contracting requirements. The City expressly reserves the following rights: to disregard any or all irregularities in the bids; reject any or all bids or portions thereof upon a finding that it is in the public interest to do so; base award with due regard to the quality of services, experience, compliance with the RFQ, and other factors as may be necessary under such circumstances; and reject all bids and re-advertise at the City’s sole discretion.

The City of Scappoose is an Equal Employment Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer.

Bid Submission

Bids for the Oak and Myrtle Water Main Replacement Project (ITB #2025-01) must be received by the City of Scappoose no later than 2:00 PM on February 6, 2024 at the address listed below. Submissions must be clearly marked “Submittal for ITB 2025-01”

City of Scappoose

Attn: Charlotte Baker