DDSD Fir Ridge Campus Bldg Improvements
Bidding Closed
Prebid Date | 1/22/25 4:00pm |
Bid Date | 2/6/25 2:00pm |
David Douglas School District, Multnomah County, Portland, Oregon will receive sealed bids for DDSD FIR RIDGE CAMPUS Building Improvements in writing until 2:00 PM., Pacific Daylight Time, Thursday, February 6, 2025, for materials/services described within the Drawings and Specifications prepared by AXIS Design. All interested persons are entitled to attend the bid opening to be held at the Administration Office, 11300 NE Halsey St., Portland, Oregon 97220 at 2:00 PM., Pacific Daylight Time, Thursday, February 6, 2025.
Project Addresses:
Fir Ridge Campus School, 11215 SE Market St, Portland, OR 97216
The District is only accepting bids from the following pre-qualified contractors that were selected from RFQ Number
Bremik Par-Tech
Perlo Brockamp Jaeger
Todd Emerick
First Cascade Essex
Inline Kirby Nagelhout
The Work consists of Misc. Building Improvements as indicated on Contract Documents prepared by Axis Design.
The Contract Documents may be examined at the District Administration Office, 11300 NE Halsey St., Portland, Oregon 97220 and at the office of AXIS Design, 11104 SE Stark St, Portland, OR 97216 (503) 284-0988. Contract Documents are available to each Bidder through Willamette Print & Blueprint Company Inc., 3461 NW Yeon Ave, Portland, Oregon 97210 (503) 223-5011. By going to and clicking on the Digital Planroom link.
A mandatory pre-bid meeting / tour will be held promptly at 4:00 PM, Pacific Daylight Time, Wednesday, January 22, 2025, at Fir Ridge Campus School, 11215 SE Market St, Portland, OR 97216. Attendance will be taken. Bids will only be considered from those contractors attending the mandatory pre-bid meeting and tour. All other bids will be returned unopened. The requirements for this project and its bid package will be discussed. The sites will be immediately toured following this meeting. Questions will be taken, and decisions will be distributed by Addenda.
This is a Contract for a Public Works Project subject to ORS 279C.800 to 279C.870. Further instructions are identified under the Instruction to Bidders in the contract documents.
All bids shall comply with the requirements of Oregon Revised Statutes and the District's local Public Contract Rules, latest editions.
Bids must be fully completed upon the Bid Proposal provided herein in the manner provided in the "Instructions to Bidders".
Bids will not be considered unless accompanied by certified check, cashier's check, or surety bond made payable to David Douglas School District in an amount equal to 10% of the Base Bid. Interest will not be allowed on bid security.
David Douglas School District reserves the right to reject all and any bids not in compliance with all prescribed public procedures and requirements and to waive informalities in this bid.
Published: January 6, 2025, and January 13, 2025
Published in: Daily Journal of Commerce